I figured there was no better time to kick all of this off than the present. However, this post is far more about where we will end up in the future.
For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Ken Course. I’m a wild combination of many things, ranging from strange humor to marketing savvy to mad scientist. All of those things have existed in the wild in some form or another, across a variety of different websites. It is with this blog that I finally bring it all together under one banner.
So, where have I been? Let’s take a quick stroll down memory lane:
The Silence Noise is my current music project. It has existed in various forms with various members since 2001, but has been quiet for the past year.
Fivecast is a netcast/podcast that celebrates randomness. The crew gets together every Saturday at 6 PM Eastern/3 PM Pacific to perform, entertain, or confuse. The order is up to you.
The Tahoe Network was an initiative to create an entertainment resource for the Tahoe/Carson area.
Thinking by Numbers was my previous blog featuring a variety of opinions, guest writers (such as the lovely Sara Marie Parks), and perspectives. The format is likely the “godfather” of what this will become.
On Course Multimedia is my content development and production company. It is the “parent” of all of these efforts.
So, now you’ve got a small taste of my little fragmentation problem. My goal is to bring it all together and perhaps even add some organization to the chaos. What a concept!
Welcome to my brain! Try not to step on anything in here, because it’s a tad delicate!